Fasting & Furious

DJ: As you can see above, my face is not at all pleased with this meal. As hubby and I hunted for pulleys, we decided to try a new food establishment for lunch and it may have been divine intervention, but I was not impressed at all with my meal. You see, we are observing a personal fast and I did not decide to join him from day 1. A message to wives out there....listen to your husbands!

It was supposed to be my favorite dish! (Chicken Alfredo with Penne Pasta). It almost ruined it for me, but digging deeper into the lesson of the day, I realized how important it is for a couple to be on the same page spiritually, emotionally, mentally and I dare to say...*clears throat* physically. The concept of two becoming one is not some Hollywood Horror/SciFi flick, where the man and the woman merges into one mega-human. Nor is it as modern day female term "losing yourself in the relationship". The two becoming one is taking two perspectives and getting them on the same journey.

I felt extremely guilty sitting directly opposite my husband, wanting to share how this meal tasted, but having to respect our decision to surrender to our Father. I had to suck all this tastefully challenged food down my throat....alone... If we started together, maybe I would not have suffered through lunch...*Note to self*

I dared myself to say it and I did, that it is important for my husband and I to be on the same page physically. Kavan is destined to live a long life, as long as the good Lord allows. He is the one who would ensure his health is priority, this is the strength to my weakness, as I would be the first to advocate that chocolate should be a national dish and it is just as important as drinking see, I am a nice milk chocolate candy that melts in his mouth.💑 But will I live as long as he will? I made up my mind to allow his strength in this area to pull me in the right direction so we can support each other physically for as long as God allows us to.

Imagine now if I was stubborn in my weakness and did not take care of myself...I would be frustrating my husband's efforts to be healthy. Eventually my ill-health would get the best of me and some other woman would swoop in after me and reap the sweets of my man...NOPE!!! Not on my watch....I will happily jump off my "cradle to the grave" and join him on his "gravy train".

Before this lunch date, the concept I am sharing with you now was not fully formed in my conscience. I did not always understand this truth as I do now. Neither do I believe that you will get it, and understand it right away as I shared it. All I am doing here, is sharing what I learned today from a bowl of blah.

KJ: Reading my wife's version of events from today, all I can say is wow. She really is a gem, a deep thinker who continues to inspire me. As she said, we were on the hunt for pulleys (Barn door extreme DIY walkthrough in the works... maybe). Sufficed to say, that
"the establishment's culinary palate was not in line with hers and she shall not be patronizing there at any point in the future😅",
 would be an understatement lol. I learned recently, the metaphor, that your wife is a garden, and depending how you feed and tend to the garden, would determine what fruits manifest in the relationship. I dare say that I'm doing an OK job (7.5/10, although she may score it lower) at encouraging, complimenting, PDAing and supporting her. Ideally, I should love her like myself.

It will take work, however long, to reap the benefits of a long, fruitful and happy relationship.

Fasting & Furious....Peace!
KJ PS- If any guys read this blog, here is a link to a cheat sheet (sshh) Cheat SHEET!!
