Where Does Wool Come From?

I am old school..(a true lady does not reveal her age) So instead of a creative catchy photo of us, use your imagination and join me on the following journey.

Image Retrieved from: http://www.bostonmamas.com/blog/2017/3/23/6-upcoming-sheep-wool-festivals-in-massachusetts

Our day started off nicely with Jadon, our son, doing Grammar and I doing my worksheet assignment for my Marketing class...not without the usual challenges of being constantly interrupted by Jadon's questions on what I deemed trivial things. To him, his questions needed to be answered immediately in order for him to move onto the next thing on his paper, but to me...well... his questions were mere stalling tactics so he wasted time, instead of focusing on the task at hand.

I fielded questions like, "mommy, where does wool come from?" Shocked, that my 8 yr old did not know where wool came from, and desperately trying to remember when was it that I learned about wool, I tried not to be judgmental. Instead, I shared the knowledge so he had no excuse going forward of not knowing the answer to that particular question.

It is quite easy as an adult to look at our kids and assume that they should know as much as we do, but shoot, we too are still learning. I meet many married couples who passed the stage my husband and I are at, and they seem not to know anything at all about being married. Who am I to judge them? Should I say, shoot, by now some 15 years into marriage you should have at least by now gotten the thing right about the toilet seat?

But I digress a bit for dramatics...After my wool experience I tried to use a moment to help my son learn to be obedient. I gave him a quick command to wash the dishes stating that once those dishes were done I would then go prepare him some lunch...HOT DOGS!!!! πŸ’“He loves hot dogs. At first he just looked at me...then he slightly moved off the bed...then he slithered like a wee little snake to the door...then he ran down stairs...everything suddenly got quiet...I took that silence to mean he lost his way to the sink by way of the bathroom, which is his favorite detour when he doesn't want to do what he is told.

Mommy instincts were right...but I selfishly used those precious moments to hurry through a thought I had, that I needed to write down for my assignment. Then.... the silence lasted a bit too long for my liking...peeing does not take that long, neither does number 2, and without electronics he is in and out of the Lu in a jiffy. "Jadon!!!! " I shouted, quick time, his response, "Yes mommy", with this look on his face.

Jadon did not wash the dishes! But all that time was wasted...he took a whiz and that was it. About more than an hour had passed when I soon remembered, shoot, he was to wash the dishes so I could do the hot dogs, so I told him again, go down and wash the dishes so I can make the lunch...He sat at the edge of the bed and gave me the saddest look ever 😟, (that normally melts my mommy heart), and told me to come with him to help...Now the task was for him to wash the dishes, I know how to wash dishes, but he needs the practice, so I was not going to waste this moment by helping him at all, he needed to get this lesson. I sternly told him to set his fears aside and focus on the task he was given to do and get it done.

I explained all the correct mommy things like being responsible and learning to take care of himself, shoot I even brought my Heavenly Father into it for a spiritual impact, but nothing worked. Jadon was paralyzed by this fear which is only felt by his little body and explained by his innocent mind. But is it only him that this happens to? NO! I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that though Jadon is 8 yrs old, many adults and children disobey God's word daily because of fear.

Wives are given the command to respect their husbands, and husbands are given the command to love their wives, yet still we can't get these simple commands done because we hold onto many deep seeded fears from our past. Be it a man that hurt you, and you made a promise to yourself that you would never let another man hurt you. So out of fear of being hurt again, you keep that husband at bay with your harsh stinging words. You make sure you always have one up on him so that in the event that he gets the idea about hurting you, that he just won't be able to do it. So you spend a lifetime disrespecting his manhood.

OR, men! A girl rejects you and because of that rejection you made a promise to yourself that no woman will get any love from you. If she does she will have the power to hurt you again...so you withhold your love and just enjoy the "good times" in bed like animals do. Many men and women go into marriages like this, with these fears and many more, and they are being disobedient to the one that ordained the union in the first place. How many times must He send this lesson back to us? Not of just being obedient, but allowing love the opportunity to chase those fears we developed away? I was told, that obedience is better than sacrifice, and we choose sacrifice every time. Jadon sacrificed his hot dog lunch because of fear.


Grace allowed him to go through that sacrificial pain of hunger for only so long, then I went down, washed the dishes, and made the lunch and fed him. He is full and he has strength but the lesson will come again..... not merely checking for obedience alone, but to see if he is still afraid ...what are you afraid of?

It is impossible to be obedient with a spirit of fear...It takes courage to trust in love, and to do that which you fear. Once there is action, obedience is observed as the thing will be done...
