Death Looks Like Love Too!

Death. It is the only certainty 

Went to a colleagues father's funeral today and it was hard.

Hard because my mother passed away on October 31st.

Hard because she was buried on November 14th.

Hard because funerals make you realize your own fragility. 

Make you realize that soon it will be you in that box, loved ones crying, haters peeping in yuh casket whispering and gossiping,

People singing sad songs. 

Yeah death is hard. It makes you think ahead, studying things like life insurance, so you don't leave debts behind, instead you leave a nest egg that hopefully if you raised the children right,

they can sow good seeds that land in the beds and take root and bud into generational wealth.

But I think, the real reason death is hard is because we haven't planned for it. We go about our merry comfortable way, working the job, slaving in the salt mines, consuming motivational content instead of doing the hard work

Because hard work is a kind of little death in itself. Dying to self, dying to the comforts that we hold dear, yet despise deeply.

We are quite afraid, not of the action but the False Evidence Appearing Real (see what I did there)

The unknown is a scary place. Why venture into the unknown when the known is known? Everything is familiar in the known. 

There is a saying that " familiarity breeds contempt" 

It does. We end up disliking our jobs, bank balance, station in life. But, we love to cling to certainty,

And it is the very thing that keeps us Dead.

Dying small deaths each day....K


As my husband expressed above, marriage is a lot like death. You die to self daily and submit to the other person, all because you love them.

We plan for life after us with wills and insurance so they can live in our absence. It sure looks a lot like love to me...D

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